附录中的示例将重点介绍使用SOLIDWORKS API构建生产工具的其他方式。尽管用于构建这些应用程序的概念可能比较超前,但它们可以为读者未来的开发需求提供资源。
● 宏特征
● 批量转换1
● 批量转换2
● 遍历装配体
● 自定义模型视图
'The MacroFeature or "COM" Feature allows the programmer to create their own custom features in the SolidWorks
'FeatureManager Design Tree. In this example we are creating a CounterBore feature that allows the user to enter a
'Diameter and a Depth of a counter bore. When the user accepts the values, the OnClose handler for the the
'Property Manager Page creates a macro Feature in the Feature Manager. The user at any time can right click on the
'Feature and change the values, Accept them, and the feature will be rebuilt according to the changed input.
Sub main()
'Entry Point for the Macro.
'As Soon as the Macro is started, we call the Method that
'creates and shows our custom PropertyManagerPage
Dim MacroUI As New CMacroFeaturePropPage
End Sub
'This module contains the MacroFeature Functions
Public Function swmRegenCBore(app As Variant, _
swPart As Variant, feature As Variant) As Variant
'This function is called every time you need to regenerate
'the geometry of this feature
'On Creation, On regen....
'This function uses the SldWorks.Modeler object to create a
'cylinder and subtract it from the
'Body that we are adding the feature to.
Dim swMyFeature As SldWorks.feature
Dim swMacroFeatureData As SldWorks.MacroFeatureData
Dim dboxDimArray(7) As Double
Dim boxDimArray As Variant
Dim PartBody As Object
Dim ResultBodies As Variant
Dim errorCode As Long
Dim MyParamNames As Variant
Dim MyParamTypes As Variant
Dim MyParamValues As Variant
'The feature variable is passed as a parameter into this
'function from SldWorks
Set swMyFeature = feature
'Get the definition ..similar to getting the definition of
'any other feature
Set swMacroFeatureData = swMyFeature.GetDefinition
'Now get the driving parameters of the feature.
swMacroFeatureData.GetParameters MyParamNames, _
MyParamTypes, MyParamValues
'The MacroFeatureData.GetSelections3 method retrieves
'arrays of all the objects that were selected by the
'user when creating the Macrofeature
'in this example we only selected a circular face. Here we
'are filling the arrays with all the selection info and
'We are only going to use the first index of the selObjects
'array. This will be the circular planar face that we
'selected to create the counterbore on.
Dim swCicularFace As SldWorks.face2
Dim SelObjects As Variant
Dim SelObjectTypes As Variant
Dim SelMarks As Variant
Dim SelDrViews As Variant
Dim SelXforms As Variant
'Fill the arrays with the selection objects and
'selection info
swMacroFeatureData.GetSelections3 SelObjects, _
SelObjectTypes, SelMarks, SelDrViews, SelXforms
'Gets a pointer to the selected circular Face
Set swCircularFace = SelObjects(0)
Dim swSurface As SldWorks.Surface
'Get the Surface from the selected Face
Set swSurface = swCircularFace.GetSurface
'Get the center location of the selected end swFace
Dim Edges As Variant
Edges = swCircularFace.GetEdges
Dim swCurve As SldWorks.Curve
Set swCurve = Edges(0).GetCurve
Dim CircleParams As Variant
CircleParams = swCurve.CircleParams
'Get the radius for the selected end swFace
Dim FaceODRadius As Double
FaceODRadius = CircleParams(6)
'Get the normal for the selected end swFace
Dim FaceNormal As Variant
FaceNormal = swCircularFace.Normal
Dim TparamValues(9) As Double
TparamValues(0) = CircleParams(0)
TparamValues(1) = CircleParams(1)
TparamValues(2) = CircleParams(2)
'negate the values so that the cylinder dir is opposite
'the direction of the face normal
TparamValues(3) = -FaceNormal(0)
TparamValues(4) = -FaceNormal(1)
TparamValues(5) = -FaceNormal(2)
TparamValues(6) = MyParamValues(0) * 0.0254
TparamValues(7) = MyParamValues(1) * 0.0254
TparamValues(8) = 0
TparamValues(9) = 0
'Fill the box array with the bounding box dimensions
'of the Counterbore
dboxDimArray(0) = TparamValues(0)
dboxDimArray(1) = TparamValues(1)
dboxDimArray(2) = TparamValues(2)
dboxDimArray(3) = TparamValues(3)
dboxDimArray(4) = TparamValues(4)
dboxDimArray(5) = TparamValues(5)
dboxDimArray(6) = TparamValues(6) / 2 'Radius
dboxDimArray(7) = TparamValues(7) 'Height
boxDimArray = dboxDimArray
'Use the modeler to create a cylinder body
Dim swModeler As SldWorks.Modeler
Set swModeler = app.GetModeler
Dim TempCylOut As SldWorks.body2
Set TempCylOut = swModeler.CreateBodyFromCyl(boxDimArray)
'Display it to the user if stepping through the code
TempCylOut.Display3 swPart, RGB(1, 0, 0), _
' Some modeler methods do not automatically add face ids
' to new geometry.
' Use this code to validate whether or not the IDs were added:
' Dim IdFaces, IdEdges
' swMacroFeatureData.GetEntitiesNeedUserId TempCylOut, _
' IdFaces, IdEdges
' If Not (IsEmpty(IdFaces) And IsEmpty(IdEdges)) Then
' swmRegenCBore = "Outer cylinder needs IDs"
' Exit Function
' End If
' If IDs were not added, use the FaceId property on the
'Face object to assign them.
Dim vEditBodies As Variant
vEditBodies = swMacroFeatureData.EditBodies
Set PartBody = vEditBodies(0)
Dim ResultBodiesPerm As Variant
ResultBodiesPerm = PartBody.Operations2(SWBODYCUT, _
TempCylOut, errorCode)
swmRegenCBore = True
End Function
Public Function swmEditCBore(app As Variant, _
swPart As Variant, feature As Variant) As Variant
'We are editing the definition so display the PMP again to
'modify the values.
Dim MacroUI As New CMacroFeaturePropPage
MacroUI.m_IsEditing = True
Dim i_feature As SldWorks.feature
Set MacroUI.swMacroFeatureParent = feature
Set MacroUI.swMacroFeatureData = feature.GetDefinition
MacroUI.swMacroFeatureData.AccessSelections swPart, Nothing
Dim MyParamNames As Variant
Dim MyParamTypes As Variant
Dim MyParamValues As Variant
'Get the driving parameters of the feature.
MacroUI.swMacroFeatureData.GetParameters MyParamNames, _
MyParamTypes, MyParamValues
'Get the values of the parameters so that we can display
'them in the Property Manager Page
MacroUI.m_dDiameter = MyParamValues(0)
MacroUI.m_dDepth = MyParamValues(1)
End Function